30 May

Arthur William Shelby Jr. is a fictional character in the television series Peaky Blinders, and he is portrayed by Paul Anderson.

Arthur is the eldest of the Shelby siblings and a tough member of the Peaky Blinders. He is also Deputy Vice President of Shelby Company Limited and member of the ICA, acting as his brother Tommy Shelby's right-hand man.

Character History

Arthur is more brawn than brains. During the war in France, Arthur was a Sapper with his brother Thomas, digging very treacherous tunnels in order to place enormous amount of explosives under the enemy positions: a tactic used several times in the war to devastating effect at both the Battle of Verdun and the Battle of the Somme. It is suggested he may have served at Gallipoli through his distaste for Turks and the smell of stagnant water.

Series 1 · 1919

Arthur Shelby and Chief Inspector Campbell

After returning from France, Arthur feels that he should be the head of the family business. However, he can't command the necessary authority and Thomas slowly starts to assume leadership.

When Chief Inspector Campbell comes to Birmingham, Arthur is arrested, beaten and questioned as the assumed leader of the gang, but knows nothing about any stolen machine guns.

Eventually, Arthur Shelby confronts Thomas telling him that he has no idea what is going on. Thomas tells him that the Peaky Blinders have the stolen guns and takes him to The Garrison Pub, which is now under Arthur's ownership.

Arthur continues to show his lack of guile, when he hints to his barmaid Grace Burgess that Danny Whizz-Bang is alive, allowing her to surmise that Danny's grave is where the Peaky Blinders have hidden the guns.

Arthur Shelby Sr. and Arthur Shelby Jr.

When his father, Arthur Shelby, comes back to Birmingham, Arthur Jr. takes the opportunity to prove to everyone that he knows business just as well as Thomas. He gives his father money without the permission of Thomas or Aunt Polly, but soon realizes that his father is a selfish liar. Arthur tries to confront his father before he leaves for good, but becomes intimidated by the man's strength and anger, knowing that he wouldn't win in a fight against him.

The events cause Arthur to re-evaluate himself and as a result, he attempts suicide by hanging himself. The plan fails when the rope tears from the hook.

Arthur and the rest of the Peaky Blinders eventually confront their rival Billy Kimber and help to clean Thomas Shelby's wounds after the shooting.

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